- Procurement Specialists -


American Vet Works has been filling the gap in the supply chain for the Federal Government since 2016. Unlike most vendors, American Vet Works is known for our services, not particular products. We research. We do the jobs that would take government logistics departments thousands of hours per year to accomplish. When an item is in short supply, or out of circulation, it is our job to track and report on the status to our customers. The Veterans Administration is an early adopter, utilizing American Vet Works to source and procure, is an efficient way to free facilities to do more with less staff. Out of necessity, American Vet works has pivoted to varied federal needs. Mandates and shortages change on every military and military platform. We have sought the national and global suppliers that fortify the Federal Government. We are still sourcing large contracts for medical, as the industry was shocked at the scarcity of product during covid . Increased suppliers are needed in every area of procurement where assured contracts with buge corporations failed quickly during the pandemic. As presidential mandates become signed into law, it is apparent that the deadline for electric vehicles, charging stations, climate initiatives, will send the country scrambling for the same items in huge quantity simultaneously. Food that services all religions, treatments to relieve smoking and opiod addiction, and the right of government employees and veterans to be treated also create niche markets that are not currently well supplied. Automotive industy has the greatest requirements for severe change and strict deadlines. American Vet Works has become solution driven, partnering with Full Electric and ICE hybrid through Chevrolet, Subaru, Westward, Vetcom Master Electricians, EVBox level 2 & 3 chargers, elctric facility electric cosultants to prepare for the onslought of need during the greatest automotive shortage year. Our current areas of concentration reflect the needs of our Federal clients.
